How can you make money playing NFT games?

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How can you make money playing NFT games with SEO services?
NFT Gaming

Do you want to make some extra money? Of course, who doesn’t! There are a number of different ways that you can bring in some extra cash, but one of the most fun and interesting is by playing nft games. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can earn passive income by playing these games and provide some tips on how to get started. So read on to learn more!

What is an NFT?

What are NFT transactions?

NFTs are non-fungible tokens that exist on a blockchain. They are unique, digital assets that can be used to represent anything. NFTs are stored in a digital wallet and can be bought, sold, or traded like other cryptocurrencies.

They are one-of-a-kind and cannot be replicated, making them desirable to collectors. NFTs can represent anything from digital art to in-game items.

The most popular use for NFTs is in the gaming industry. In-game assets can be bought, sold, or traded on secondary markets. This allows players to earn money from their favorite games.

Some of the most popular NFT games include:



-Axie Infinity



15 ways to make money from playing NFT game

If you’re looking for ways of earning money with NFT games, we have a few ideas. Each of these methods can help you earn money from NFT games. Choose one or more that fit your interests and skillset to get started.

1. Sell in-game items

Sell NFT Cards In game items

One of the easiest ways to make money with NFT games is to sell in-game items. You can do this by setting up a shop within the game or on a third-party marketplace.

To get started, create a list of the items you want to sell and set prices. Then, promote your store to attract buyers. You can use social media, forums, or other online communities to reach potential customers.

When selling in-game items, it’s important to provide good customer service. This includes being responsive to questions and concerns, offering fair prices, and honoring your word.

2. Collect and trade NFTs

Another way to make money with NFT games is by collecting and selling NFTs. This can be done by buying low and selling high on a marketplace.

You can also earn money by completing collections and sets. Some games will reward you with NFTs for completing certain tasks. These can be traded or sold for a profit.

If you’re interested in collecting and trading NFTs, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, research the markets to find out which NFTs are in demand. Then, build a portfolio of diverse NFTs to maximize your earnings potential.

3. Build a gaming portal

A gaming portal is a website that offers news, reviews, and other information about video games. You can monetize a gaming portal by selling advertising space or partnering with brands.

Build a crypto gaming portal

To get started, create content that would be valuable to gamers. This could include game reviews, previews, and interviews. Then, promote your site to attract visitors. Once you have a loyal following, you can start monetizing your site.

4. Offer consulting services

If you’re an expert in the gaming industry, you can offer consulting services to earn money. This could involve helping businesses develop strategies for entering the gaming market or advising on game development.

To get started, create a portfolio of your previous work and share it online. Then, reach out to companies that might be interested in your services. You can also look for job postings on online job boards.

5. Create and sell game guides

Another way to make money with NFT games is to create and sell game guides. This could involve writing walkthroughs, tips, and cheat sheets.

To get started, choose a game that you’re familiar with and create a guide for it. Then, promote your guide online and sell it to interested gamers. You can also submit your guide to game publications for exposure.

6. Live stream your gameplay

If you’re good at playing video games, you can make money by live streaming your gameplay. This involves setting up a channel on a live streaming platform like Twitch or YouTube Gaming.

Blockchain Games, best nft games, other nft games

To get started, choose a game that you’re good at and set up a channel. Then, start live streaming your gameplay. You can interact with viewers and offer tips and tricks to help them improve their own gameplay.

7. Review games and give feedback

Another way to make money with NFT games is to review games and give feedback. This could involve writing reviews for game publications or testing games for developers.

To get started, choose a game that you want to review and play it thoroughly. Then, write a detailed review and submit it to a publication. You can also test games for developers and provide feedback on the gameplay, graphics, and other aspects.

8. Manage a gaming guild

If you’re active in the gaming community, you can make money by managing a gaming guild. This involves organizing events and activities for members, recruiting new players, and helping with game development.

To get started, create a guild in your favorite NFT game. Then, start recruiting members and organizing events. You can also reach out to a game development team to see if they’re interested in working with you. Your gaming guild can eventually turn into your own marketplace to buy and sell nfts.

9. Sell NFT Trading cards

If you collect NFT cards, you can make money by selling them. This could involve selling individual cards or sets of cards.

To get started, find a couple of NFT trading card games. Some top NFT games that fall within these category are CryptoKitties, Ether Legends, Axie Infinity, Gods Unchained, Monsuno Combat Chaos, and The Sandbox Game.

nft, non fungible tokens, blockchain games

List your trading cards or tokens such as the gods tokens or SLP on NFT marketplaces. Then, start promoting your listings and making sales. You can also sell your cards at conventions and other events.

10. Playing Games in tournaments

Another way to make money with NFT games is to participate in tournaments. This involves competing against other players for a cash prize.

To get started, find a tournament that you’re interested in and sign up. Then, practice your gameplay and try to win the competition. You can also stream your gameplay for viewers to watch.

11. Create game mods

If you’re familiar with game development, you can make money by creating game mods. This involves developing new content for existing games.

To get started, choose a game that you want to mod and create new content for it. Then, submit your mod to the game’s developers or publish it online. You can also sell your mod to interested gamers.

12. Play to Earn Games

Play to earn gaming is a new way of making money with crypto games that uses blockchain technology. It involves playing games to earn in game currency that can be sold for real money.

To get started, choose a game that offers Play to Earn rewards and start playing. Then, sell your in-game items for cash. You can also use your earnings to buy other in-game items or withdraw it to your bank account.

13. Offer game coaching

If you’re good at playing video games, you can make money by offering game coaching. This involves helping others improve their gameplay and achieve their goals.

To get started, choose a game that you’re familiar with and offer your services. Then, start coaching your clients and helping them improve their gameplay. You can also charge for private lessons or group sessions.

14. Sell game artwork

If you’re creative, you can make money by selling game artwork. This could involve selling illustrations, digital art, and other creations.

To get started, create a portfolio of your work. Then, start submitting your artwork to game publications or posting it online. You can also sell your artwork at nft marketplaces, conventions and other events.

15. Participate in game testing

Another way to make money with crypto NFT games is to participate in game testing. This involves playing games and providing feedback on the gameplay, graphics, and other aspects.

blockchain gaming, blockchain based game, nft game testing

To get started, find a blockchain game that you want to test and sign up for the beta. Then, start playing the game and provide feedback to the developers. You can also stream your gameplay for viewers to watch.


These are just a few of the ways that you can make money with NFT games. If you’re creative, there are many other ways to monetize your passion for video games. So, get started today and start earning some extra cash!

Picture of Jesse Tutt

Jesse Tutt

Jesse has over 16 years of digital marketing experience and is the Founder and CEO of Guru SEO and Web Design Services. Jesse is a international speaker, renowned entrepreneur and web design and SEO expert.