How to Increase Sales Through Web Design & Better Optimization

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Increase Sales through Web Design

Is it true that you can increase sales through web design? What does that even entail and who performs this service? Are there any other benefits that come from website design and optimization?


If you’re looking for the answers to these questions, you’ve come to the right place. Not only are we going to walk you through all the advantages of web design, but we’re also going to cover digital marketing, optimization, and more.


So let’s just jump right into it.

How Can Web Design Improve Sales?

There are countless benefits to doing website design, some of which are immediate and others that reveal themselves over time. But given that, according to a survey, four out of five Millennials shop online and with a spending power of $2.5 trillion in 2022, it’s not a market you should be missing out on.


So here are our top six reasons you should start doing web design now.

    1. Website Credibility

One of the reasons good website design increases sales is because it gives a business more website credibility. A single look at a website will alert a potential customer to whether you’re credible or trustworthy. 


But here’s the thing. Simply having a website won’t cut it anymore. Your business needs to have a website that’s immersive, easy to understand, and visually pleasing. That way, those visiting your business online will feel more at ease, which can lead to a dramatic spike in your sales.

    2. Positive User Experience

If a potential customer opens your site, and it’s in complete shambles, with an abysmal loading time and images that won’t open, chances are, they’ll jump ship. They’ll most likely just leave your site and find a competitor with a better user experience.


To avoid having this happen to you, your website needs to be fast, optimized, and easy to use. A potential client should, with only a few clicks, find what they came there for instead of being redirected to other pages. 


Just look at it this way: positive user experience = engaged visitors = paying customers.

    3. Engaged Customers

Speaking of engaged visitors, people tend to shy away from websites that are unattractive, difficult to use, or in disarray. Remember, you only have a matter of seconds to capture someone’s attention before they click off.


But if your website is not only visually appealing but also informative and simple to navigate, it’ll become much easier to grab someone’s attention. And the longer they stay on your site, the higher your chances of making a sale are.

    4. Referral and Recommendation

Nowadays, most customers don’t want to invest in a product or service, no matter its price, before going through reviews. And if you’ve made someone’s shopping experience easier by having a beautiful and efficient website, they just might give you a great review.


And one of the first mistakes you can make is to think online reviews don’t matter. According to a survey, 91% of shoppers between the ages of 18–34 say that they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. What’s more, 93% of consumers say that they’ve made purchase decisions based on online reviews alone.

    5. Shorter Sales Cycle

If you make it easy for your customers to complete the desired action, e.g. check out, book a call, or make an appointment, you can shorten the sales cycle. By having an intuitive and simple website, you’re more likely to generate better sales.


Just look at it this way, if you were shopping on a website, and couldn’t find the checkout button or couldn’t see where and how to pay, you might be frustrated enough to leave. So avoid making this mistake and having customers leave you in their final sales cycle.

    6. Increased Customer Loyalty

By streamlining the entire shopping experience with a smart website design, your customers are more likely to return. They’ll already be familiar with the layout and entire process and won’t feel the need to look to competitors.

How Much Does a Website Increase Sales?

Over the years, sales completed through the internet have seen a steady rise. In the restaurant and hospitality industry, more people are ordering and booking via apps or sites. We can also see the same trend in retail.


Now, there’s a raw figure showing that in the US in 2021, 19% of all commerce was completed online, which made for a figure of $871.03 billion. That’s a $90 billion raise compared to the year before.


We’re not saying that simply by having a solid web design, your sales will automatically increase by 19%. But since a fifth of all sales are now online, you certainly can’t miss out on that piece of the market.


Some entrepreneurs also believe that having a social media presence is enough to see a massive increase in sales. But it usually takes much more than just a Google Business account and a Facebook page.


Having a streamlined website shows a great degree of ambition, professionalism, as well as a modern mindset. Customers can now get a better picture of who you are through your blogs and the media on your site. What’s more, unlike brick-and-mortar stores, your website will be working 24/7/365 for you.


You should also keep in mind that businesses with websites grow between 15%–50% compared to those that aren’t online.

What Makes Web Design Good

There are certain staples of web design that can make or break any website. Depending on the business and its needs, they can differ, but the principles of solid web design are as follows:


  1. Purpose
  2. Simplicity 
  3. Navigation
  4. Visual hierarchy
  5. Content
  6. Load time and speed
  7. Mobile friendly


Stating the purpose of your website sounds obvious enough, but businesses often seem to miss the point. You need to have a simple and clear intention across all pages that will encourage the users to interact with them.


When considering user experience and the overall usability of the site, simplicity is best. Consider the colour story, as well as the typography to make it easier to read and navigate.


Speaking of navigation, it’s a key aspect of retaining visitors. If your users find the site too difficult to use or too confusing, they’ll leave, and go find what they need elsewhere.


Visual hierarchy basically refers to the arrangement of elements in order of importance. It can be done either by style, size, texture, typography, whitespace, contrast, or imagery. One of the key elements of visual hierarchy is to establish a focal point on your site or the place where the most important information is.


Great content can increase sales in a way you can’t imagine – as long as it’s done right. Using compelling language can attract visitors and engage them to stay long enough to become customers.


Slow websites lose customers, always keep that in mind. Most visitors expect your site to load in less than two seconds. 


The final thing to consider is creating a website that’s mobile friendly and can be viewed on other devices other than just a computer or laptop. You need a responsive layout which can be adjusted to different screens.

SEO Tips to Improve Website Conversions

Without a strong SEO strategy, you can’t expect to increase sales through web design all that much. You simply won’t be visible online, which means that all of that hard work on the site will be for nothing.


In addition to the principles we mentioned above, you should also keep in mind the conversion points on the website. If your website is getting a lot of traffic but very few conversions, you need to start making changes.


When we’re talking about conversions, we mean the actions that you want your users to make. And the conversion rate is the percentage of visitors that convert, e.g. buy something or schedule an appointment. 


The conversion rate is a crucial metric because it tells you whether the website you’ve built is actually bringing in qualified leads. When your SEO strategy focuses on improving conversion rates, it becomes an incredible way to increase sales through web design.

How Conversion-Focused Web Design Improves Your Sales

Given just how vital first impressions are and the fact that, online, you only have 50 milliseconds to make one, you should make it count. If your homepage isn’t really up to par, it can have a massive impact on your bounce rate. 


A bounce rate shows the percentage of site visitors that leave after seeing only one page. Most websites will see a rate between 26% and 70% depending on their business. To determine what yours should be and if it’s good or bad, learn how to create a baseline.


With the right web design, you can improve your bounce rate and ensure that people are staying on the site longer. So not only are you making a good impression, but you’re also capturing the users’ trust and encouraging them to explore your brand.


With that said, make sure that the design is unique and eye-catching, that you’re using high-quality images and videos, and have consistent branding. On the other hand, it’s best to avoid an overly complicated homepage with poor uses of colours and hard-to-read blocks of text.


Another thing that’ll influence your overall web design is the jobs-to-be-done theory. It just shows that everyone coming to your website has a need or job that they need to fulfill. And if you want to position and market your site successfully, you need to understand your customers’ job-to-be-done.


One thing to help with that is an easy-to-understand navigation bar. It should provide all the answers to your clients’ most pressing questions concerning what you’re offering and how they can get it from you. Some good rules of thumb to follow include:


  • Anchoring your visitors through the main menu
  • Having seamless internal linking
  • Having a footer for additional sections

Best Practices for Conversion Rate Optimization for Web Design

First off, you should have a clear call to action or a CTA. Most companies place a button somewhere on the homepage to make visitors click through and get to the next stage of the purchasing process.


Along with the CTA, you should be collecting contact information from leads as much as you can. And one simple way to do that is by having simple contact forms, which visitors can easily fill out.


If you want to increase sales through web design, you have to make sure that your homepage encompasses all of your company’s core values. Also, keep an eye on mobile responsiveness, as it usually makes up about 16% of all traffic. 


With a reliable web hosting service and a solid SEO strategy, you should always keep your page load speed fast. 


If you can, include trust symbols on your website to showcase your trustworthiness and credibility. These can include client testimonials, awards, brand partnerships, and more.


And no matter which strategy, design, or layout you’re using, always keep testing. Running A/B tests will ensure your conversions are optimized and that your design elements are delivering the best results.

Web Design at the Heart of Your Sales-Centric Strategy

If you feel like you’re doing everything right with your website but still aren’t getting the sales you want, it’s probably time to reevaluate your sales funnel. Start by taking another look at your customer journey and show your visitors a clear path to your desired action. It will be a massive help when it comes to eliminating all friction in the sales process.


Once you have all the steps of your sales funnel clearly laid out, create visual and content elements to go along with it. Attractive offers, beautiful designs, and helpful blogs can go a long way.


If you feel like your current website just isn’t working for you anymore, don’t be afraid to redesign. For optimal results, you need a custom web design that’s specifically created for your business.


And once you’ve done all that, you should conduct CRO audits on a regular basis. They’ll help show you which areas need improvement and how to stay ahead in the game. 

What Guru SEO Services Can Do to Increase Sales Through Web Design

We hope to have helped you understand how to increase sales through web design. But as you can see, it’s often a pretty arduous process, paved with potential pitfalls along the way.


If you want to avoid making those mistakes and go straight to the boost in sales, it’s time to call us. Why?


Because we design websites that generate ongoing traffic and sales for your website by converting visitors into customers.


Working closely with our clients, we design both WordPress and Shopify websites that are 100% responsive and direct quality traffic to your website. We also offer rigorous testing for all major operating systems, browsers, and devices.


So if you need a website that will look beautiful, increase your sales, and improve your online presence, get in touch with us today! We offer a free website and SEO audit so there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Picture of Jesse Tutt

Jesse Tutt

Jesse has over 16 years of digital marketing experience and is the Founder and CEO of Guru SEO and Web Design Services. Jesse is a international speaker, renowned entrepreneur and web design and SEO expert.